Family Time

As I sit on the couch blogging from my new(old) blackberry, getting ready to watch Remember Me with Robert Pattinson I'm thinking about how quickly this weekend has passed. Friday night was spent playing hide and seek on golf carts and electric scooters which ended with a broken golf cart and one broken electric scooter. Saturday my step mom and I woke up bright and early to help put together our neighborhood coffee and doughnut breakfast. Then we went home and took a "nap", which consisted of laughing, giggling, and discussing American Idol. After that we headed to the store and out to dinner. And now after a long day my whole family is sitting on the couch relaxing.. How have you spent your weekend?


Today something came over me, that something is called motivation. I completed TWO covers, both were on yesterdays post about songs I wanted to cover(go there to compare). Sweet success. So listen, and let me know what you think!

Make You Feel My Love-Adele:

Falling Slowly-(Remade by) Kris Allen
(my favorite of the two)

To Do List

I have a couple of songs I'm wanting to cover. Here is a little list:

What songs do you think I should cover?

Carpe Diem: Seize the Day

*If you can't read this quick enough there is a stop button when you roll your mouse over the right bottom corner*

Lately I've been on a "live in the moment" kick.. I may have mentioned it before.. I've found a lot of quotes that sort of go with it and these are a few of my favorites (:

I've recently decided that I don't want to live with any regrets. I don't want to look back at my life and realize that I wish I had or hadn't done something. I want to be that person that lives an adventurous, interesting life that leaves a legacy and lives on after they die. I know someone else who lives by the same "motto" and listening to some of his plans are inspiring. For now, I will have to wait until I am old enough or adult enough to go through with some of my plans, but I refuse to waste away my life anticipating what those things will be like. For now I want to do what I can and enjoy life as a 14 year old even if it stinks sometimes. "One day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure it's worth watching."

what are some of your favorite quotes?

Photo Recap

Hey guys! So I've had a long crazy weekend! Here is a little recap of pictures!


Outing with Ashley

Eating at Panera Bread (:


Cleaned the majority of the day


Ashley's going away/birthday party. Kids table(:

Playing cards :)


Easter was spent looking at Easter baskets, hanging out by the pool, and other random/lazy family activities.

Before looking for Easter baskets :)
(James, top left, Carrington bottom left, Me, middle, Justin Right)

Finally found my basket/bag!

What did you do for Easter?

Science Can Be Fun

Hey guys!
Today for science I had to do an experiment and it was awesome! I had a blast doing it and was completely shocked with the results. To be honest I'm not a fan of science. But I have to admit it was fun today! So here is the video:

Also, did everyone see the cover I posted yesterday? If not go check it out!

Dear Future Self,

Today I did something...awesome. I sent an email to my future self. Yup, you heard me. I used this website called here)It lets you send an email to yourself but doesn't send it 'til the day of your choice. I sent my email to two years from today. The email consisted of reminders of how amazing the people in my life are and how lucky I am to have them.. If you want to email your future self the link is attached up there^.

I'm Yours

Hey guys!
So this cover is actually kind of old. But I never posted it..along with 3 others. Hope you guys like it!!

What's on Your Bucket List?

Hey Everybody!!
After a fun weekend I had a blog post all planned out in my head. Sadly it was going to be mostly pictures and of course I left my camera at my dads. Oh well. Ill post them tomorrow night. This week is going to be insane. Lots of school work, work on Thursday, and Saturday is my sister's going away party. No worries posts will continue.

Today I heard this quote: Life is not measured by the number of breaths that you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. I love this because I've gotten into this new kick that I want to live life in the moment and not have any regrets.

So today I am going to blog about my bucket list of things I want to do before I die. Here it is:
1. Travel the world
2. Make an impact on someones life
3. Throw/have a surprise party
4. Write a book
5. Learn to play an odd instrument(ex. melodica)
6. Live out of the country for at least 6 months
7. Learn to bake(well)
8. Have a snowball fight
9. Try vegetarianism
10. Learn to surf

These are really general, common ones. Maybe I will put up another list later with some more personal ones. What's on your bucket list?

The Beautiful Exchange

Hey Followers!
Tonight I went to my church youth group, like always. At four o'clock I headed over for band practice(will try to get some videos and pictures up next Wednesday night!). One of the four songs in the set tonight was Beautiful Exchange, which was perfect because the service was all about the most beautiful exchange that every took place... It is one of my new favorite songs.

Anyway, tonight was just incredible; the service, the worship set, everything. Tonight I was pretty excited about my outfit. Not to brag or anything but it was pretty stinkin' cute ;) I just started following this blog, Flattery (click here to visit), and she has been my inspiration for outfits! If you saw yesterday's post about my cork board her pictures are all over it. Here is what I wore tonight:

I am digging the royal blue stockings! And I would have loved to wear this with a flowier shirt.. oh well.

Bohemian Outfit/Today's New Addition

Hey everybody! :)

Today after school I decided I wanted to dress in something a little flowy and sort of bohemian this is what I came up with:

I would have loved for to have had a maxi-skirt instead of this skirt(that I have had for years).

While trying to get a good picture out there I snapped a few cute ones:

Also added one last touch to my desk/school area. A cork board. I put a couple of pictures from fashion blogs and notes up for now and soon enough it will be covered.

The Yoosh(;

Today was pretty much the usual Monday. School, some chores, and by the time I had completed everything for the day it was only noon, gotta love homeschooling. So I decided I would just relax and play piano. Around 2:30 Gigantor arrived home, we spent the whole afternoon watching covers and eat delicious Greenwise pizza. After that I headed over to the barn for my weekly riding lessons. Tonight I'm just sitting around with my family watching one of our many "family shows". Also I'm going to search the web for some more ideas on how to make my room like a little more "artsy"*see last post*. Have any ideas email me at

One of the covers we saw today was:

My sister showed me these guys a couple of days ago and I have just been obsessed with them. This is one of my favorite covers by them :) Hope you guys like them!

Creativity At It's Finest (:

Hey followers! So this last weekend has been full of movies, friends, junk food, and fun :). Today my family and I tried something new. We decided, because we couldn't decide between two movies at the theater, that we would watch two in a row. After the first movie (Hanna) we all went to Wendy's together, which is a first in years. Then we went back to the theater to watch the second movie(Arthur). Both movies were incredible and I was really thankful we didn't have to choose one.

After returning to mi casa I decided I would rearrange my room. And after lots of dusting, swiffering, and having Gigantor(my step-dad) help me move my bed it was complete. I decided to try and do something new and turn my second dresser into a desk for school, which turned out awesome :)

While ooVooing my friends today I got this idea to decorate my desk with paper flowers.


Creativity at its finest :)

I got the idea for these flowers from Leah Fung's Vlog. She uses dictionary paper but I didn't really have an old dictionary laying around that I could just tear up, plus I wanted to make it a little more personal. So I copy and pasted my favorite chapter in the bible (1 Corinthians 13) over and over again and printed them. I really like the way it turned out and it was tons of fun. Maybe I'll add a few more artsy touches to my room! :)

No Time For Shenanigans

Hey Everyone!
So if you haven't noticed I have been doing a not-so-stellar job at blogging. But no worries I'm going to start getting back on track and blogging every other day and if I can...every day! Now I haven't been just slacking lately. I've had absolutely nothing interesting to blog about. My life has consisted of school and church. I have had zero time for anything else...hence the title.

Anyway, last night after school some friends (including biff) and I went to see the new movie Soul Surfer, which was incredible. Then we went back to her house and went to bed before usual. This wonderful Saturday was spent at biff's house and consisted of playing board games, eating, and watching movies. Here is a picture I snapped of biff at Mcdonald's after the movie last night: Such a creeper<3

I will try to get a cover up this week so keep an eye out! Also if you don't follow the Music Speaks page on Facebook GO LIKE IT! I post updates and the link whenever I post on the blog :) The link it on the About page up there^.